Choose The Most Effective Solutions for Thick Earning with Value Chain




When they receive the animals from the small producers, the technicians of this company carry out tests to check for signs of the hormones. In addition, a team periodically visits the properties and conducts audits to make sure that the required standards are being followed.

The Right Control

All this control and the demand for meat without hormones are the ways that the company found to add value to the product through the quality of the raw material and the certification of the supply chain. These factors can be justified both as a form of concern for health and the quality of products, which can gain a different flavor.

From this process, the company can insert other elements that generate competitive advantage in the value chain. The processing of this meat, for example, becomes different, as well as storage, demand among consumers and costs.

In this way, the production and delivery process for these products takes on another character. It is not just the purchase of any raw material. It is a format that is concerned with adding value and, thus, developing differentiated products that please the public. You can Continue reading here and have the best solutions right here now.


The social as a driver of the value chain

In this context, one element is fundamental: 

The social

In order for the concept of the value chain to have, in fact, some effectiveness for the results, it is important to listen to the people involved in the process. This includes resellers, customers, technical specifies, logistics professionals and any individuals who have any contact with the products.

  • The objective is to allow these people to interact, suggest changes, make comments and, in some way, collaborate with the development of products, because what is said in this process will be evaluated and used to promote changes or updates in the portfolio.
  • What needs to be clear is that it is useless to add value to products and not listen to people. What a consumer says about the meat of the company we mentioned in the example above can be taken into consideration. So, suddenly, something that the manufacturer considers a differentiator may not be something really significant.

The same goes for the dealer

Meat processed in a certain way can, in some way, hamper storage and generate more costs to increase refrigeration capacity.

The manufacturer will only be able to achieve this return if, in fact, he values ​​the social and does not treat the value chain only as an institutional and cold relationship. It is necessary to go much further and pay attention to individuals.

Seeking excellence in Business Management means being part of an extremely competitive game, with highly competent opponents. And what do we do when we have a decisive match?

Value Chain Elements

First, we need to evaluate the resources we have at hand. To exemplify, think about your company and your competitors. In the business environment, every day is a championship day with decisive matches, do you agree? Assessing the resources your company has is essential to decide the best moves (who knows, maybe it’s time to evaluate the production cost budget?) And make decisions always looking at the final objective (here called strategic planning).