What Are Your Options for the Tax Deductions


One of the most widespread and largest tax deductions in euro terms is the household deduction. It can be obtained from housework done at home or in a holiday home.Domestic work includes, for example, childcare, renovation and installation of IT equipment. The tax submission company has received a deduction from hiring a cleaner.

For the Cleaning Companies

Cleaning companies often open the purchase of a household deduction already in the sales process. It’s part of their business.

The maximum annual deduction is € 2,400 per year, and can be reduced by 50% of the VAT-inclusive cost of the work. Thus, full deductions are already available, for example, for renovations worth EUR 5,000. In addition, household deductions go directly from the tax, which increases their euro-denominated significance.

  • The only condition is that the company to be hired must be on the prepayment register. The matter can be checked easily and free of charge.
  • The deductible for household deductions is 100 euros per person. Indeed, couples often want to claim deductions only on another’s tax return so that the deductible is deducted only once.
  • In addition, it is worth noting that household deductions are also paid for work done at the home of one’s own parents or grandparents.
  • Individual small deductions can eventually accrue a large sum.

Income generation costs

To Whom:Teleworkers, freelancers, those who have acquired tools, clothing or literature, those who have received training and those who do mobile work

Size Of Savings:Depends on the amount of costs

If you are now worried about your deductions not made in previous years, the tax expert reminds you of the “consolation prize” offered by the Tax Administration, all employees automatically receive a € 750 income-earning deduction from their salary income. In addition, salary-related expenses in excess of this may be deducted from income as income-generating expenses.

One such deduction for more and more people is the workroom deduction, which is paid to those who work at home or in a separate office. Deductions are paid in different amounts, and the largest reduction (880 euros) is received, for example, by freelancers and more than half of their working days on telework. In case of the tax return estimate calculation this is the most important option that you can have now.

A reduction of € 440 will be paid to those who do fewer telework days in their main job. In addition, there is a EUR 220 reduction in office space for those earning extraordinary by-products. The deduction can also be obtained according to the actual rental, electricity, cleaning, etc. costs, if you have acquired a separate office for the work.

Spouses receive a smaller per capita deduction from the common study

Income-generating expenses are also paid for tools. For example, the cost of purchasing a computer can be deducted from your earned income if you use the machine for work. The same goes for broadband subscriptions as well as tools and their maintenance.Skills maintenance courses and other training with travel and overnight expenses are also deductible. It is also possible to reduce the acquisition costs of professional literature, uniforms used only at work, membership fees of labor market organizations and unemployment fund contributions.